Tradução & Definição

precisely: precisamente, exatamente adverb
That's precisely the point. É precisamente este o ponto.
Is it 3:00 p.m.? -Precisely. São três horas? -Exatamente
precise: preciso, exato, certo adjective
precision: a precisão, a exatidão noun

UK: Please tell me precisely why you want to join the circus.
US: I can't give you a precise answer: it's just a feeling I have.


  • "And carbon dating gives us a precise idea of when these beasts did actually exist."
  • "Moira : Speaking of Mexico, or more precisely the Gulf of Mexico, an earthquake struck the west coast of central Florida last night."
  • "Janine : Precisely Brent."
  • "Sheriff Joan Wayne to be precise."
  • "I'm calling an emergency meeting for tomorrow (Friday the 13th) first thing in the morning (8:15 am to be precise)."
  • "Miss Fiona Stake is an efficiency expert (a consultant to be precise), hired by Bruno at the request of several Delavigne Corp investors who are concerned about the efficiency of our staff."
  • "I'm here because two European tourists - Dutch to be precise - have been taken hostage by pirates."

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