Tradução & Definição

a pilot: um piloto, um aviador noun
to pilot: pilotar verb


  • "Delavigne, San Francisco's renowned playboy, insisted on piloting the balloon himself, despite having only limited experience flying dirigibles."
  • "Pilot (Steve) : Good evening everyone and welcome aboard Big Generic Airlines flight 523 with non-stop service from San Francisco International to Logan International Airport in Boston."
  • "Pilot : G'day everyone and welcome aboard Billabong Airlines Flight 172 to Sydney, Australia."
  • "I'm your captain Hugh Wallaroo, and I'm joined in the cockpit by my co-pilot Gus, a super intelligent kangaroo."
  • "Pilot : Flight crew, prepare for landing."
  • "For those of you just tuning in, it was reported that the eccentric perfume magnate was piloting a hot air balloon while drunk when he lost control of the machine."
  • "I'm joined in the cockpit by my co-pilot in training, Randy Williams. Randy happens to be blind, but we're happy to have him with us on his first flight."
  • "I'm your pilot, Captain Steve Rogers, but my friends call me Crash."

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