Tradução & Definição

a physical (examination): um exame médico idiom
physical: físico, corporal adjective


  • "I'm here for my physical."
  • "According to clause 517b, paragraph 3, bullet point C of our staff contracts, all new employees of the Delavigne Corporation must undergo a physical examination within the first 6 months of their employment."
  • "Through the help of my personal trainer and spiritual guru, Philip Cheeter, I have discovered the benefits of a strict nutritional regimen and regular physical fitness."
  • "As you can see from the attached photo, my physical transformation is nothing short of godlike."
  • "Let's get physical, physical"
  • "If someone threatens you with physical violence, offer them some discount vouchers."
  • "Physical description: (Age) 19 (Height) 5.8 M (Weight) 2367 KG (additional information) LOVES SUDOKU"

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