Tradução & Definição

(an) outstanding (performance): (uma performance) excepcional / marcante adjective
(an) outstanding (bill): (uma fatura) pendente, não liquidada adjective


  • "This letter should detail all prior communication that you've had with the client, the outstanding invoices, and the total amount owed to your company."
  • "My research of the Delavigne Corporation leads me to believe that this position is perfect for me, as my passion for pleasing people and providing outstanding customer service is well-suited to this position's needs."
  • "I believe that the post at the Delavigne Corporation is perfect for me, as my passion for pleasing people and providing outstanding customer service is well-suited to this position's needs."
  • "Sam : You're concerned about the interest rates on your outstanding loans."
  • "We turn our attention now to Sweden, a country best known for its delicious meatballs, outstanding ice hockey players and the 70's pop quintet ABBA."
  • "326 days have passed since you confirmed receipt of the delivery, yet payment is still outstanding."
  • "Of course, if we can sell a few more bottles of fragrance in the process, then that would be outstanding."
  • "We have branches all over the world, all these fees are necessary for us to provide outstanding service to our customers."
  • "Bruno : My other major concern is the interest rates on our outstanding loans."
  • "We're known for our dairy products, wildlife, stunning natural beauty, and our outstanding rugby team."

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