Tradução & Definição

organic (products): (produtos) orgânicos adjective
I try to buy only organic vegetables. Procuro comprar apenas vegetais orgânicos.
organic (changes): (mudanças) orgânicas, naturais adjective


  • "We also have a beautiful goose liver pate served on lightly toasted, organic ciabatta bread."
  • ""The building is in the form of an organic spiral and honors the work of Xavier Delavigne who loved to eat snail soup while working on his early perfumes in France," he said."
  • "TigerLily is a totally organic blend from renowned perfumer Horatio Oléré."
  • "I am sure you are already familiar with our extensive line of skin care and beauty products, from our award-winning perfumes (Exotic Garden and others) to our environmentally safe and organically produced soaps ("Cucumber Melonade" is one of our most popular)."
  • "It seems rather organic, in my opinion."
  • "Attended classes in organic gardening, pruning, botany, and herb culture"

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