Tradução & Definição
offshore (drilling): no mar, distante da praia, em alto-mar (perfuração de petróleo)
Offshore drilling can be harmful to the environment. Perfuração petrolífera em alto-mar pode ser prejudicial para o meio ambiente.
(to invest) offshore: (investir) no estrangeiro, no exterior
We have decided to open an offshore bank account. Decidimos abrir uma conta bancária no exterior.
offshore funds fundos de investimento no exterior, fundos offshore
offshore orders encomendas do exterior
- "At approximately 14:53, a great white shark was spotted offshore, and lifeguards ordered swimmers out of the water."
- "Located in a secret offshore location to cut costs and hurt the global economy, your rehabilitation takes place entirely online."
- "The transition costs of offshore operations are greatly outweighed by the long term savings which outsourcing provides."
- "All signs indicate that outsourcing is providing an enormous economic service for western corporations, permitting them to save time and money by subcontracting their production to offshore companies."
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