Tradução & Definição

notably: particularmente, notavelmente, especialmente adverb

UK: I'm very interested in dinosaurs, notably the diplodocus.
US: Many famous people have stayed in this hotel, most notably Diego Maradona.


  • "There are a limited number of treatment centers around the world, notably in South America."
  • "Warbuckle has significant retail contracts with many large businesses, notably with the San Francisco-based cosmetic manufacturer the Delavigne Corporation."
  • "As you correctly assessed in your email, I am extremely preoccupied with other matters right now, most notably the TigerLily launch."
  • "The rugby world seems to be split into two camps: those teams in the Northern hemisphere and those originating from the South, notably the South Africans, the Australians and the legendary All Blacks from New Zealand."
  • "The spreading influence of the Chinese is already being felt, most notably in the luxury goods industry."

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