Tradução & Definição

mentally: mentalmente adverb
(a) mentally handicapped (person): (uma pessoa) com deficiência mental noun
(a) mentally fit (person): (uma pessoa) mentalmente apta idiom


  • "Dr. Gilchrist : The vet you visited is obviously mentally unstable."
  • "Edward Kimberly, and I'm not mentally ill, but proud and lucky."
  • "Mentally, it's a completely different story."
  • "He's going to check you out to see if you're, um, mentally fit."
  • "We mustn't forget that Philip is mentally challenged."
  • "Wang attributes his success to his astrological sign, and is on the record as saying that those born the year of the Cock (1957) are mentally superior to those born in other years, particularly the year of the Goat (Bruno, you are a Goat."
  • "I find you to be a fascinating specimen only because you're mentally deranged."

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