Tradução & Definição

luggage: bagagem noun
The airline lost my luggage. A companhia aérea perdeu minha bagagem.
a piece of luggage uma mala


  • "Any unattended luggage in the departure lounge will be removed by the security services and sold on Free-bay."
  • "Couldn't we just put him in the overhead compartment with the other luggage?"
  • "Announcement 2 : Ladies and gentlemen, we strongly advise you to keep your luggage with you at all times."
  • "Any unattended bag or other item of luggage will be removed and may be destroyed."
  • "Let's get your luggage in the boot, yeah?"
  • "Security guard : Thank you sir, you can go and collect your luggage."
  • "We strongly advise you to keep your luggage with you at all times."

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