Tradução & Definição

(like) last time: (como) da última vez idiom
We don't want dinner to be a disaster like last time. Nós não queremos que o jantar seja um desastre como da última vez.
The last time I saw him was yesterday. Eu o vi pela última vez ontem.
(I'm gonna try) one last time!: (Eu vou tentar) uma última vez! idiom


  • "All I know is that this is the last time I go on a trip with Horatio for awhile."
  • "Last time I visited the veterinarian, she told me Stink was fine."
  • "Hannah : Yes, the last time I checked."
  • "Aussie : Well, the last time I looked, 1 American Dollar was worth about 1.1 Australian Dollars."
  • "Last time I saw you, I was negotiating with your buyers in Tokyo."
  • "The last time I saw you was at the San Francisco Fragrance Expo last winter!"
  • "The last time something like this happened, he called in an expert lawyer to help me get my life back to normal."
  • "But that was what you ordered last time."
  • "I hope you're well, and that your meeting at the Vatican went better than last time."

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