Tradução & Definição

light: leve, claro, suave, ligeiro adjective
a light meal uma refeição/comida leve
while it's still light out enquanto ainda está claro, ainda tem luz
to light (a candle), to light (a building): acender (uma vela), iluminar (um prédio, um edifício) verb
Could you light the oven for me? Você pode acender o forno para mim?

Esse verbo é irregular
I light / I lit, lighted / I have lit, lighted
light: a luz noun
Can you turn the lights on? Você pode acender as luzes?


  • "Edward : I appreciate your frustration, Mr Smith, but I'm afraid to say that Delavigne fragrances are not designed to light barbecues."
  • "It's a lot lighter than I th... Aghhhhh!"
  • "Bartender : Dudweiser, Dud Light, Swiller Genuine Draft."
  • "If you're wise, you'll equip your home with a top-of-the-range security system. Consider an alarm, motion-activated security lights, and perhaps CCTV cameras."
  • "Greg : Lighting barbies and grilling meat... for a living?"
  • "Has been used with some success on very light sailplanes."
  • "I'm just here to fix the lights."
  • "Friday : To finish the week in style, our twisted tycoon was seen burning hundred dollar bills to light Cuban cigars in a Las Vegas night club."
  • "Jean : So Joe is super light!"
  • "Bruno : Harold, you just lit your cigar with a hundred-dollar bill!"

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