Tradução & Definição

to keep: manter, conservar verb
We will keep the contract until you make a decision. Nós manteremos o contrato até que você tome uma decisão.
Let's keep this discreet. Vamos manter a discrição.

Esse verbo é irregular
I keep / I kept / I have kept
to keep (on) doing something: manter-se fazendo alguma coisa verb


  • "We're going to keep Mr. Gidyeon in custody."
  • "Bruno : I said 'sometimes I keep a pen'... in my pocket."
  • "For the last 2 days we have had to immobilise him. He has been trying to lick his own bottom, he keeps dancing to the music in his head, and worst of all, he sometimes tries to polish an imaginary teapot."
  • "It's where we keep our craziest dogs."
  • "Passengers are requested to keep their possessions with them at all times."
  • "Plus you keep yelling "man overboard" while using the toilet."
  • "Ms. Lohan already sits on our board of trustees, however she is considering investing a large amount of capital in the company, which would allow us to finally purchase the island zoo that everyone keeps asking about."
  • "Bob the Brit : You heard the man, now keep your hands up!"
  • "My job is to keep you all alive during this mission."
  • "Susie : I'm fine, I just keep misunderstanding what you're saying to me."

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