Tradução & Definição

a jury: um jurado noun


  • "Philip : Well Horatio said his monkeys saw Brian stealing perfumes from the laboratory, and then Horatio took him to court, and Brian said it couldn't have been him that stole the perfumes because he was with Icarus, and then the jury said that Brian was innocent, and then-"
  • "Danica : Your honor, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I'd like to begin with a story, if you'll permit."
  • "So, you, the members of the jury, have to reach a verdict."
  • "So, you the members of jury have to reach a verdict."
  • "The results should be enough to convince the jury of your innocence, and clear your good name."
  • "Bruno : Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, before you decide on anything, I would like to say something that I think you'll find very interesting."

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