Tradução & Definição

it's time (to go): Está na hora de (partir/ir embora) idiom
It's (decision) time!: Está na hora da decisão! idiom


  • "It is time for you to find the tree of mystery."
  • "It's time we fostered a sense of team spirit within Delavigne, which is why I have decided to enter a Delavigne dodgeball team into a tournament taking place next month."
  • "Brothers, now that you have heard the wonderful news, it is time for you to leave."
  • "Another airport official confirmed that Delavigne was inebriated, adding "He told his entourage to get on the ship and bring the wine, saying that it was time to "take this party to the motherf***in skies"."
  • "Brian : Krazy Gidyeon, it's time to wake up now."
  • "Chuk-Chuk : It is time to greet the day with energy and determination."
  • "Brian, time to rise and shine."
  • "Ok Brian, it's time to focus."
  • "It's decision time! So, who is the winner, mmkay?"
  • "Time to go to crazy house!"

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O seu método é único! Os seus cursos me ajudaram a progredir e a ganhar confiança durante as minhas viagens ao exterior...



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Mais testemunhos.