Tradução & Definição

an issue: um assunto, um problema noun
What's the issue? Qual é o problema?
I have a small issue with your poor hygiene. Tenho um pequeno problema com a sua falta de higiene.
world issues os assuntos mundiais
to issue: publicar, entregar verb
The National Weather Forecasting agency has issued a hurricane warning. A agência nacional de previsão do tempo emitiu uma advertência sobre um furacão.

UK: Global warming is an issue which affects us all.
US: I'm afraid I'll have to issue you a warning.


  • "I know I've learnt that you people have a lot of unresolved issues."
  • "Ahead of the vote on June 1st, 2020, the two remaining candidates, Brits Edward Moon and Brian Jones, will clash on the big issues: cheese, the environment and the Eurovision song contest."
  • "Hannah has a strong Northern British accent, and equally strong views on many issues."
  • "Susie : We need to issue a publicity statement that denounces Ivana's behavior, but also shows we are helping her through this difficult time."
  • "New president of Europe Brian Alistair Jones, the winner in a hotly contested election that divided citizens over issues such as a national cheese, sits in his office with a reflective look on his face."
  • "Here is my assessment of your issues following our brief encounter."
  • "I will of course talk to Doris, but I'm pretty sure that her recent poor performance is a result of personal issues."
  • "As chief financial officer, I'd like to avoid issuing any profit warnings."
  • "Granted, personal issues should not interfere with job performance, however it is my firm belief that, given time, Doris will regain her previous productivity."
  • "Adults with criminal records or mental health issues can purchase them as usual."

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Mais testemunhos.