Tradução & Definição

an invitation: um convite, uma solicitação noun
a letter of invitation: uma carta de solicitação, um convite por carta (para uma festa ou casamento) noun


  • "It is written in the invitation but I didn't understand everything."
  • "First, make it clear in your invitation how smart the evening is going to be: "smart", "casual", "smart-casual", etc. Second, it is not usually polite to ask your guests to bring anything to dinner."
  • "Your invitation warms my heart."
  • "It's an invitation to an event in which Harold Warbuckle is the keynote speaker."
  • "We would be honored if you would consider accepting our humble invitation to be the speaker at this year's dinner and conference."
  • "Please confirm that you have received this invitation."
  • "Third, you might also like to include your address and telephone number in the invitation, in case there is a problem."
  • "An invitation to the Marron-Bliss Marriage"

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