Tradução & Definição

an investor: um investidor, um acionista noun


  • "Subject: Major prospective investor to visit offices next Tuesday"
  • "Next Tuesday at 3:45, we will be receiving a visit from Lucie M Lohan, heiress to the Lohan fortune and a prospective investor with major connections."
  • "Subject: Potential investor to visit offices next Tuesday"
  • "He needed an investor, someone who believed in Bruno's ideas and Horatio's talent."
  • "To my right, Terrance Cashman, shareholder, longtime investor and good friend."
  • "Next Tuesday at 3:45, we will receive a visit from Lucie Lohan, heiress to the Lohan fortune and a prospective investor with major connections."
  • "As an emerging designer in 1950's France, Patrice took over the struggling fashion house of his mentor, Frederich Lundqvist, and restored it to respectability before launching his own fashion house with the financial backing of American investors."
  • "As you are one of the majority shareholders in the company and one of our primary investors, your presence is requested."
  • "Unfortunately my brother Felix, a shareholder and investor himself, will not be attending this year's meeting."

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