Tradução & Definição

to investigate: investigar verb
They're investigating the robbery. Eles estão investigando o roubo.
an investigation: uma investigação noun
he is under investigation: ele está sob investigação idiom
Last year's bank robbery is still under investigation. O roubo ao banco no ano passado ainda está sendo investigado.


  • "I need you to investigate a salesman named Spencer."
  • "Authorities are currently investigating possible links to notorious perfume magnate Kalvin Krime."
  • "Fortunately for law enforcement officials, the investigation lasted less than an hour."
  • "Today we'll be investigating scams and schemes, and talking about how to avoid them."
  • "I'll investigate the case, and try to get to the bottom of all of this."
  • "Is this some sort of undercover investigation?"
  • "Is it true that Delavigne is currently under investigation by the California Animal Rights Organization, following anonymous reports of monkey abuse?"
  • "No investigation was conducted."
  • "I'm not saying an American firm would be any better, but perhaps we could investigate other options."

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