Tradução & Definição

an inventory (of stock): um inventário, um catálogo (do estoque) noun
After looking at the inventory, I realized that we had to order more t-shirts. Depois de olhar o inventário, percebi que tínhamos que encomendar mais camisetas.
We must sell all of our inventory as fast as possible. Nós precisamos vender todo o nosso catálogo tão rápido quanto seja possível.
to take, to make inventory (of): fazer o inventário (de) idiom
I need to take inventory of the situation: Eu preciso fazer o inventário da situação
an inventory (of fixtures): um contrato de aluguel
An inventory was prepared (in duplicate) for the apartment, to be signed by the landlord and the new tenant. Um contrato de aluguel foi preparado (em duplicata) para o apartamento, para ser assinado pelo proprietário e pelo novo locatário.


  • "The device shows that we have three bottles at fifty dollars per unit – that makes an inventory of a hundred and fifty dollars."
  • "Mick : Our inventory is coming up short month after month."
  • "Bargain Basement Bundle : The big advantage of this package (aside from the low price) is the inventory feature."
  • "It has become a morning ritual of mine to take a quick visual inventory of the bike's progress towards non-existence."
  • "The strange inventory numbers were all due to a programming glitch with the inventory-counting device."
  • "Rearranged and made inventory of chemical storage cabinet."
  • "I've been reviewing your monthly financial report and there seems to be something strange going on in the inventory of finished goods."
  • "We use it to keep track of inventory."
  • "Let me reset the inventory to zero."
  • "For some reason, the "perfume counter" wasn't deducting units of Moulin Magic from the inventory when they were sold and left the warehouse."

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