Tradução & Definição

an interpretation: uma interpretação noun
to interpret: interpretar verb


  • "Narrator : Bruno eventually perfected his skills of interpretation until he was ready to take on the ultimate challenge: the dolphin."
  • "I think you mean to say that you were immediately captivated by the symphony's opening motif, and that the orchestra continued to provide a stunning interpretation of one of Beethoven's most popular works."
  • "The "Interpreting Mindmelt" manual can be purchased at the introductory price of only $599.99 including delivery."
  • "Bruno trained his interpretation skills on basic animals at first."
  • "To interpret these images refer to "Interpreting Mindmelt" manual*."
  • "To interpret these images refer to "Interpreting Mindmelt" manual*."
  • "All we need to do is interpret the music, and we will know everything about Delavigne's financial future."

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