Tradução & Definição

to intern (with, at): fazer um estágio verb
I am interning with the Senator at her New York offices. Eu faço um estágio com a senadora em seu escritório em Nova York.
an internship um estágio
an intern (US): Um estagiário noun
In British English, an "intern" is understood, however, a work experience person is more commonly used.
an internship (US): um estágio noun
In British English, "internship" is understood, however, work experience placement is more commonly used.

UK: Have you met the new intern? Oh he's gorgeous.
US: I am interning with the Senator at her New York offices.


  • "Congrats on your job change from unpaid intern to male model!"
  • "You can ignore the sign that says "No Interns" on the door."
  • "Please go to Horatio's laboratory at 6pm this evening, where you will be joined by fellow "volunteers", Hannah Benedict (Head of Retail) and Edward Moon (British intern)."
  • "Do you think unpaid interns just go around interpreting Dickensian characters?"
  • "Philip : Hey intern, how's it going in there?"
  • "Hannah : You're the intern, go and clean up this monkey poo please!"
  • "Edward (Intern) : Hello everyone... is it a problem that I can't swim?"
  • "A very special intern has joined the Beachview lifeguard team."
  • "The internet is abuzz with new photos depicting former Delavigne Corp intern Edward Moon in a series of "compromising" positions."
  • "Leaked nudes of former Intern land Delavigne Corp in hot water!"

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Mais testemunhos.