Tradução & Definição

(the) interim (president): (o presidente) interino, provisório adjective


  • "Because both of our bosses are gone, I would like to nominate myself as interim interim CEO."
  • "As you all know, we recently lost our CEO Bruno Delavigne, and shortly afterwards our interim CEO Susan Bliss, who ran off with Bruno after a very interesting wedding in London."
  • "Philip : Yeah Susie, who elected you interim CEO?"
  • "Susie : Bruno appointed me interim CEO, Philip."
  • "Tomorrow morning I have to finish an interim financial report, and Kevin still hasn't gotten back to me with the figures I need from the factories in Asia, and I already asked him eight times, and Bruno's going to be furious if the finished report isn't on his desk by 12."
  • "Subject: Delavigne Corporation Interim Finance Report"
  • "As you all know, it's been exactly one month since Bruno left the company in search of happiness, and exactly one month since I've been the interim CEO in his place."
  • "Delavigne Corporation Interim Finance Report January 1st to June 30th"

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