Tradução & Definição

to interfere: interferir, interver, se intrometer verb
Luna often interferes in her colleagues' disputes, but only to give her advice. Às vezes, Luna interfere na discussão de seus coelgas, mas apenas para dar um conselho.
Don't interfere! Não interfira! Não se meta!
interference: interferência, intervenção, intrusão noun
We didn't hear the music on the radio because there was some interference with the signal. Não escutamos a música no rádio, pois havia um pouco de interferência.


  • "I would ask that you do not invite an outside technical specialist to interfere with our system. Our network is configured in a very personal way."
  • "these days they just come in a different form. Smythe says that private sector companies are finding ways to compensate workers without using union labor, "The perks that a dotcom like Doodle provides for its staff, without any union interference, are unbelievable: free meals, childcare, dry cleaning services, gold-leafed toilet paper, the list goes on and on."
  • "Granted, personal issues should not interfere with job performance, however it is my firm belief that, given time, Doris will regain her previous productivity."
  • "Unfortunately, this new behavior did not interfere with their habitual paranoia regarding Delavigne's profit margins."
  • "It wouldn't be prudent for me to interfere right now."

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