Tradução & Definição

to be interested in (fashion, playing guitar): estar interessado em, gostar de (moda, tocar guitarra) idiom
The construction to be interested in can be followed either by a noun or a verb in the ING form:
I'm interested in politics. Eu me interesso por política.
I'm interested in writing a book someday. Eu gostaria de escrever um livro um dia.
to be interested by (a proposal): Estar interessado em (uma proposta) idiom
The construction to be interested by can only be followed by a noun:
I am interested by the subject of the book. O tema do livro me interessa.


  • "-Do you mind if I ask you why you're interested in a position for which you're clearly overqualified?"
  • "Clerk (Camilla) : Okay, and would you be interested in a continental breakfast tomorrow morning?"
  • "Brian : The Brian Jones Corporation sells a very special product that I think you'll be very interested in."
  • "Oh, and there's this horse I've got in the back, but you're probably not interested in her..."
  • "Sigourney : Well Bruno, I write what I see, and during our interview you gave me no indication that the environmental initiatives of your own company interested you in the slightest."
  • "Would you be interested? Will you come with me?"
  • "Perhaps you can let Edward know - maybe he's interested in suing his parents."
  • "Interested? Bruno : What the hell."
  • "Interested? Bruno : What the hell... Go ahead and set it up Brian."
  • "I really hope that this is Xiao Xiao, the woman interested in buying my masterpiece, "Multiplicity"."

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