Tradução & Definição

intelligent: inteligente adjective


  • "Bruno : Well, I suppose I'm looking for someone intelligent, kind, with a good sense of humor."
  • "Don't you ever have anything intelligent to say, Cheeter?"
  • "Fiona : I'm very intelligent."
  • "Bruno tried to reassure me that we have Willy, the security guard, who is as old as my grandfather and perhaps as intelligent as my hamster."
  • "I'm your captain Hugh Wallaroo, and I'm joined in the cockpit by my co-pilot Gus, a super intelligent kangaroo."
  • "And I've realized that you're a moron even when you're trying to do something intelligent."
  • "I think Susie's marketing strategy is a real winner, and with the right sales approach, and an intelligent pricing package, I'm sure I could turn those surplus bottles into a hot commodity."

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