Tradução & Definição

to insist (on): insistir (em), exigir verb
to insist on é seguido por um substantivo, ou por um verbo na forma ING.
I won't insist. Não insistirei.
I insist that you tell me what he told you. Eu insisto que você me conte o que ele disse para você.


  • "Brian : Tomorrow, I've got Susan Bliss in the morning for some PR training, and then Donna Donovan insisted we have lunch together."
  • "Bruno insisted I have dinner with one of the Chinese business people who attended my presentation this afternoon: apparently she thought I had a "cute accent" when I spoke Mandarin."
  • "Steffi : No, I must insist on the price we agreed on."
  • "I insist."
  • "Moira : So tell us Rupert, what is cricket and why do the English insist on playing it?"
  • "I will of course insist on a good cross-section of society in terms of age, gender, ethnic origin, etc."
  • "These records are legal documents and Bruno insisted that this laboratory comply with regulations."
  • "Apparently my grandfather insisted that I be married before receiving the inheritance."
  • "Delavigne, San Francisco's renowned playboy, insisted on piloting the balloon himself, despite having only limited experience flying dirigibles."
  • "Delavigne, San Francisco's renowned playboy, insisted on piloting the balloon himself, despite having no previous experience flying thermal airships or dirigibles, and smelling of liquor."

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Gosto de fazer os meus lições de francês online. Cerca de dez minutos por dia é suficiente... Obrigado!



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Gymglish me permitiu melhorar minha expressão oral e escrita em francês. Uma rotina diária que eu não perderia por nada no mundo!

Mais testemunhos.