Tradução & Definição

an ingredient: um ingrediente noun


  • "Additionally, the Research & Development Department will be embarking on a three-month trek into the Indonesian jungle to hunt for new ingredients."
  • "Take this test-tube and put the ingredients you brought into it."
  • "Critics claim that the best ingredients don't always come from your region and that transport is only one element of a food's environmental impact."
  • "Not only are melody and rhythm essential ingredients in the perfume-making process, I believe they are essential for all forms of work."
  • "To my horror, I saw that the biggest ingredient of this "vegetable" soup was... Chicken stock!"
  • "We do not currently plan to change either the name or the ingredients of our popular "Vegetable Soup"."
  • "While heating up the soup, I decided to read the ingredients."
  • "Brian : That shouldn't be a problem. I have the file right here, you should find everything you need about the product's ingredients."
  • "Take this test tube and put the ingredients you brought into it."

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