Tradução & Definição

IT (Information Technology): informática, Tecnologia da Informação (TI) noun
an IT position um cargo em TI

UK: Information technology is usually abbreviated to I.T.
US: He studied information technology at university and now works in an IT department.


  • "As I'm sure you are aware, Bob has been with you for 5 years and oversees the IT department."
  • "You are through to the Delavigne IT department."
  • "Bob Carter IT Department"
  • "IT assistant for the Delavigne Corporation and local French man Jean Marron was awarded the San Francisco Gold Medal Hero Award yesterday for his display of courage in saving the life of his pilot instructor."
  • "The IT systems have certainly improved since his arrival, and I've even recommended the Slideshow Consulting Group to my friends."
  • "The big winner is Jean Marron, who ironically works in the IT department."
  • "I am sending you straight back to the IT department."
  • "- Contact your friendly IT department immediately if you notice anything strange on your computer."
  • "I'll get one of the IT monkeys to set it up for me."
  • "Unfortunately, a member of the IT department has discovered the "Taxman" virus on a Delavigne employee's computer."

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