Tradução & Definição

information: informação noun


  • "Tatiana : I have some information about your Queen that you might find very interesting."
  • "The information presented within my self-published book is not strictly speaking "legal" or "admissible" in a court of law."
  • "Confidential information about the Delavigne Corporation... This can't be... No!"
  • "(delete as applicable - please add further information)"
  • "Unfortunately, I am unable to give you more information regarding my position and purpose, because then I would have to kill you."
  • "Physical description: (Age) 19 (Height) 5.8 M (Weight) 2367 KG (additional information) LOVES SUDOKU"
  • "Warning: Sharing this information can lead to death, excommunication."
  • "The Peking Duck is proud to publish this illegally obtained information."
  • "For more information about Delavigne products or initiatives, please contact Susan Bliss, director of Marketing at (415) 555-6996."

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