Tradução & Definição

to influence (someone, a decision): influenciar (alguém ou uma decisão) verb
Everyone knew that the fact she was married to one of the judges influenced their decision. Todos sabiam que o fato dela ser casada com um dos juízes havia influenciado na decisão deles.
(a bad) influence: (uma má) influência noun


  • "They've influenced my own work tremendously."
  • "A man of influence and prestige."
  • "But I don't want this insignificant detail to influence your first impression."
  • "Our strategy won't be dictated to us by the stock market, and I won't be influenced by someone checking his Raspberry for quotes every five minutes."
  • "I was wondering if you could perhaps use your political influence, as the president of Europe to, er, pull a few strings?"
  • "I imagine that in the helicopter, the noise, confusion and emotion of the moment might have influenced her."
  • "The spreading influence of the Chinese is already being felt, most notably in the luxury goods industry."

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