Tradução & Definição

to indicate: indicar, mostrar verb
an indication: uma indicação noun

UK: A thermometer is used to indicate temperature.
US: He gave no indication that he wanted to leave the company.


  • "In general, the figures show that we've had kind of a productive and profitable year, and our EBIT indicates that we've actually surpassed our projected earnings by a considerable margin."
  • "Recent criminal reports released by the National Criminal Report Releasing Agency indicate that 1 out of every 5 people are involved in a crime some time in their lifetime."
  • "In my mind, a birthday is no different than a funeral - both events indicate that you are moving closer to being lowered into the ground."
  • "-In a recent survey, nearly 70% of customers indicated that they wanted their needs and desires met prior to having to ask."
  • "For the past two weeks, there have been constant thunderstorms here, and the winds have reached speeds of 200 miles per hour, which usually indicates that there's a tornado on its way."
  • "Icarus : Actually, Terrance, the term "bottom line" refers to the "net income" of the company, which indicates the earnings that remain after deducting taxes and other amounts."
  • "Brian : It's a temporary downturn in economic activity, usually indicated by two consecutive quarters of a falling GDP."
  • "Our records indicate that you received the delivery on March 11th."
  • "Sigourney : Well Bruno, I write what I see, and during our interview you gave me no indication that the environmental initiatives of your own company interested you in the slightest."

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