Tradução & Definição

independently: independentemente adverb
When she was tired, one eye began to move independently of the other. Quando ela estava cansada, seus olhos começavam a se mover independentemente um do outro.
independent: independente, autônomo adjective


  • "Bruno had better luck with independent shops, which were fascinated by Oléré's intense and original mixtures."
  • "Bruno had better luck with independent shops, who were fascinated by Oléré's intense and original mixtures."
  • "Must be cool under pressure, stress-resistant, work well both independently and within a team. We are looking for a detail-oriented, reliable and experienced team leader."
  • "Susie : Look, Miss Stake, I already told you I have an independent budget and complete autonomy."
  • "Bruno had better luck with independent shops, who were fascinated by Oléré's intense and original blends."
  • "They're independent, so they won't try to push one specific carrier: Benjamin will choose the best offer in each individual case for us."
  • "Jeff (Australia) : Well, Brent, Australia is a Commonwealth nation, although we're independent."
  • "I am comfortable in high-pressure situations, and I work well both independently and within a team. In addition to my secretarial and research skills, I am an experienced event planner, having arranged Bingo Night for three consecutive years, one of the government's most popular evenings."
  • "Bruno had better luck with independent shops, which were fascinated by Oléré's intense and original blends."
  • "Susie : Yes, and I have an independent budget, so I'm able to work autonomously."

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