Tradução & Definição

an inconvenience: uma inconveniência noun
I don't want to cause you any inconvenience. Não quero lhe causar nenhuma inconveniência.
to inconvenience: aborrecer, perturbar, atrapalhar verb
Am I inconveniencing you? Estou atrapalhando você?
inconvenient: inconveniente, incômodo, inoportuno adjective
If it's not too inconvenient, could we postpone the meeting one hour? Se não for muito inconveniente, poderíamos adiar a reunião uma hora?


  • "Edward : Just send the package back and we will ship out a replacement immediately, along with a complimentary bottle of TigerLily to show that we are truly sorry about any inconvenience caused."
  • "It is important that you never tell them that they are wrong, but apologize for their inconvenience and assure them that you will do everything in your power to accommodate them."
  • "Sorry for the inconvenience."
  • "But seriously, I hope Bruno wasn't too inconvenienced."
  • "Again, please accept my sincerest apologies for this inconvenience."

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