Tradução & Definição

to be in town: estar na cidade verb
In town faz referência à cidade em que se encontra a pessoa que fala:
I will be in town from March 14th to the 22nd. Estarei na cidade de 14 a 22 de março.
-Is Bruno in town? -No, he has gone on vacation. - Bruno está na cidade? -Não, ele está de férias.
Call me next time you're in town, and we can go out for drinks. Ligue-me na próxima vez em que você estiver na cidade, e nós poderemos sair para tomar algo.
(This is the best bar) in town: (Este é o melhor bar) na cidade idiom


  • "Lawyer : As for the tax evasion, I've made an appointment with the best accountant in town tomorrow at 10.00 am, at the Delavigne Corporation."
  • "Lawyer : As for the tax evasion, I've made an appointment with the best accountant in town tomorrow at 10.00 am, at the Delavigne Corporation... I'll see you there?"
  • "I'm in town for one night only."
  • "I'm Al Capone - baddest gangster in town!"
  • "Sorry Brian, the circus is in town!"
  • "Sorry Brian, the hippie circus is in town!"
  • "Santa Claus is coming to town - especially if you own shares in Delavigne Corp!"
  • "Yo fool, this is Bruno Delavigne, I ain't in town, but hit me back on my celly cell!"
  • "The circus is in town, so it could be a few weeks."

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