Tradução & Definição

(the person) in question: (a pessoa) em questão idiom


  • "Is it true that you were with him on the night in question?"
  • "Moreover, the "nice young man" in question has not been seen since he received his cheque."
  • "Please find enclosed copies of our prior communication, as well as the unpaid invoices in question."
  • "The biofuels in question were made from algae (aquatic plant-like organisms, but not the kind found in miso soup)."
  • "There will be no need to take legal action against our restaurant, since I have myself begun proceedings against the terrorists in question, who have been caught by the CIA and are currently being held in a secure prison in Cuba."
  • "Things we DO take into account: Employment history and experience (including references), performance, academic record, competences (knowledge, skill, and abilities), suitability for the job in question."
  • "The model in question is practically naked."

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Mais testemunhos.