Tradução & Definição

in addition (to): além de idiom
In addition to perfumes, Delavigne also manufactures beauty products. Além de perfumes, a Delavigne também fabrica produtos de beleza.


  • "In addition to its headquarters in San Francisco, the company has opened offices in New York, Tokyo, London and Paris."
  • "Kevin : Then, my grandmother had four more children, in addition to the five she had with my grandfather."
  • "In addition to their headquarters in San Francisco, the company has opened offices in New York, Tokyo, London and Paris."
  • "In addition to using all-natural ingredients, the new line (code-named "WorldBlends") is produced under humane conditions."
  • "The votes will be tallied over the weekend, and we will have a meeting on Monday, in addition to our regularly scheduled staff meeting, to discuss the results, and take your questions."
  • "Votes will be tallied over the weekend, and we will have a meeting on Monday, in addition to our regularly scheduled staff meeting, to discuss the results and take your questions."
  • "I am comfortable in high-pressure situations, and I work well both independently and within a team. In addition to my secretarial and research skills, I am an experienced event planner, having arranged Bingo Night for three consecutive years, one of the government's most popular evenings."
  • "Your decision to terminate Mrs. Hughes will cost this company 2 months of salary in addition to a generous severance package."

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