Tradução & Definição

the impact (of a decision): o impacto, os efeitos, a repercusão (de uma decisão) noun
an impact (with a tree): uma colisão, um impacto, um choque (com uma árvore) noun
to impact: ter/causar um efeito verb
to make an impact (on the girls): causar um impacto/uma sensação, impressionar (as meninas/as garotas) idiom


  • "We must of course monitor the situation, though I would be very surprised if this "copycat" product had an impact on our sales."
  • "Critics claim that the best ingredients don't always come from your region and that transport is only one element of a food's environmental impact."
  • "This year Horatio is working on a line of perfumes for men which will surely have an impact on the market for male cosmetics."
  • "Minimize the environmental impact of your own business practices"
  • "Tomatoes grown in Spain and transported to the UK have much less of an impact than the same tomatoes grown in greenhouses in the UK, which require electricity to light and heat them."
  • "I don't want to have any negative impact on the party, so please, pretend like I'm not here and "party hard"."
  • "The basic philosophy behind the movement is that eating locally has ecological value: The carbon footprint of Kobe beef which has made the trip from Japan to New York has more of an environmental impact than a piece of fresh meat from the local farmer's market."
  • "Eating locally, when possible, certainly has advantages both in terms of environmental impact and taste."

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Mais testemunhos.