Tradução & Definição

a hot air balloon: um balão (de ar quente) noun


  • "For those of you just tuning in, it was reported that the eccentric perfume magnate was piloting a hot air balloon while drunk when he lost control of the machine."
  • "January 25th, 2019: A hot air balloon flying off the California coast reportedly crashed over the Pacific Ocean early this morning."
  • "Something about a hot air balloon ride in the south Pacific."
  • "According to unnamed sources, the hot air balloon was commandeered by eccentric fragrance enthusiast Bruno Delavigne at approximately 11:30 pm."
  • "July 27th, 2007: A hot air balloon flying off the California coast reportedly crashed over the Pacific Ocean early this morning."
  • "Donny is licensed to fly and certified to teach in single and multi-engine airplanes, as well as helicopters, gliders, hot air balloons and UFOs."
  • "The hot air balloon was being tracked by satellite and radio until 7:32, at which time it disappeared from the radar, and the radio signal was replaced by static."
  • "Hot Air Balloon Crashes Over Pacific: Rescue teams dispatched, survivors unlikely"

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