Tradução & Definição

a host (or hostess): um anfitrião, um apresentador, pessoa que tem convidados ou hóspedes noun
a host (Internet) um servidor, um provedor (Internet)
to host: receber, acolher, hospedar verb
to host (a performance): apresentar (uma performance) verb

UK: Our city would like to host the next Winter Olympics.
US: It's hard work being the host at a party. I prefer to be a guest.


  • "Before we go any further though, let me introduce my co-host."
  • "Over there is the hostess, Gloria Mouthwash."
  • "I'll be hosting the event in the Delavigne cafeteria with nothing but earplugs and a bottle of strong Scotch to kill the pain."
  • "Host : "Woo-woo"?"
  • "Lotsa Medals : This year, Vancouver, British Columbia has the honor of hosting the Olympics."
  • "Since you're always hosting me in your fancy San Francisco offices, I think it's my turn to return the favor, so I'd like to extend a formal invitation to my new ranch in Crawford, Texas."
  • "Host : Pigeons don't go "woo-woo", they go "cooh-cooh"!"
  • "I am of course your host, Bruno Delavigne, and I have a very soothing voice."
  • "You are cordially invited to my grand opening, which will be filled with art, snacks, and for the first time at any event that I've hosted, no strippers."

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