Tradução & Definição

a home: uma casa, um lar, uma residência, uma moradia noun
(to work) at home: (trabalhar) em casa adverb
I still live at home with my parents. Eu ainda moro na casa dos meus pais
a homebuyer: um comprador de casas/apartamentos noun
a homeowner: um proprietário (de um imóvel) noun


  • "After all this turmoil and excitement, I needed to sort things out for myself in the comfort of my family home."
  • "Believe it or not, George isn't at home"
  • "You are unlikely to be lent any more money and you may not be able to transfer your existing loan from one home to another."
  • "Warbuckle : "... please tell him I've gone home with a headache."
  • "They are a typical Australian couple, and they are going to welcome us in their typical Australian home."
  • "We cannot guarantee that an engineer will ever visit your home to set up the internet connection."
  • "That's right, I'm at home with my family."
  • "If you see Bruno, please tell him I've gone home with a headache."
  • "Can you show me around your excessive and pretentious home?"

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