Tradução & Definição

the history (of the world): a história (do mundo) noun
in the history (of automobiles): na história (dos automóveis) idiom
The biggest pizza in the history of pizza-making was cooked in Pisa. A maior pizza da história das pizzas foi feita em Pisa.
my (banking) history: meu histórico (bancário) idiom

UK: I was very good at history when I was at school.
US: London has a very colorful history.


  • "Susie : It reflects the history of the Delavigne Corporation."
  • "It's not that I'm scared of committing to Betty, it's just that with my history, I'm afraid it might be impossible."
  • "Hannah : Well, even if you're right for this example, an encyclopedia isn't about cows, it's about complicated things like politics, or history, or language."
  • "It's not that I'm scared of committing to Betty, it's just that with my history I'm afraid it might be impossible."
  • "Yesterday, Shoshana and Youri took me to the National Museum of Kalackistani History."
  • "The city of Boston was founded in 1630 by British puritans, making it one of the oldest cities in American history."
  • "One thing in the industry's favour is that it has a history of innovation."
  • "At The Museum of Kalackistani History"
  • "Not only will you be astounded by the sound, but you will also be contributing to one of the most remarkable technological turnarounds in recent history."
  • "As some of you may know, the Opera House is a stunning building with a remarkable history."

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