Tradução & Definição

a hint: uma dica noun
I have no idea, give me a hint. Eu não faço idéia, me dê uma dica.
a hint of (mint): uma pitada de (hortelã) noun
A hint of lemon can add a lot of flavor to your dish. Um toque de limão pode adicionar muito sabor ao seu prato.
to hint (that): insinuar (que) verb
"There's still something you could do to convince me to sign the contract", Bruno hinted. "Ainda há algo que você pode fazer para me convencer a assinar o contrato", insinuou Bruno.

UK: I have no idea. Give me a hint.
US: A hint of lemon can add a lot of flavor to your dish.


  • "Combining the rugged freedom of the Australian plains with the quiet sensibility of the man-about-town, Outback has a musky odor with just a hint of eucalyptus."
  • "Your chief has gone through a terrible experience, and seems to be suffering from psychosis, phobia, neurosis, delirium, dementia, delusion, derangement, and a hint of madness."
  • "Helpful hints: informal guideline to Delavigne Corp's customer service policy"
  • "Bruno was acting funny, giving me subtle hints that he might be hiding something."

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