Tradução & Definição

a helicopter (or "a copter"): um helicóptero noun
Come on, I'll give you a ride in my helicopter. Vamos, vou te levar para dar uma volta no meu helicóptero.


  • "Send a helicopter!"
  • "Susie : So there I was with my best mates, and it was just like old times again, before I became CEO of Delavigne, before Jean proposed marriage, before Bruno took me away in his helicopter."
  • "I first started getting suspicious in the helicopter."
  • "Icarus : Using high pitch frequencies emitted by the global positioning device in Bruno's helicopter, and then cross referencing them both with the amount of fuel in the helicopter as well as all known latitude and longitudes in both the eastern and western hemispheres, I was able to project Bruno and Susie's trajectory and landing location within one kilometer!"
  • "I imagine that in the helicopter, the noise, confusion and emotion of the moment might have influenced her."
  • "Susie : It's funny, earlier in the helicopter, I thought... for a second, I thought you said... oh, never mind, it's so ridiculous."
  • "We have your laboratory surrounded by a team of 300 highly-trained military operatives, 17 Apache helicopters and 3 cats that followed us here."
  • "Then in the middle of the ceremony, you fly away in a helicopter with your boss?"
  • "Bruno : (to Susie) Susie, welcome aboard my private helicopter, my love."

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