Tradução & Definição

a factory: uma usina, uma fábrica noun
atenção ao plural factories (as fábricas)


  • "Alan Woody : Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Comedy Factory in Hollywood, California."
  • "We've heard many positive things about your factories, and we're very interested in outsourcing some of our production to you and your workers."
  • "Brian : Of course, sir, the new factory in Spain: it's going to be the biggest and most modern manufacturing plant in the world!"
  • "Kevin : Well Mrs Lee, because your factory seems so versatile, I was wondering if you would be able to handle our cosmetic packaging as well."
  • "We're trapped in this explosives factory!"
  • "Some of them even have beds in the factory."
  • "I will meet you Thursday evening at the factory, at 6.00 PM. Don't worry about bothering the employees, they are used to working irregular hours and shifts."
  • "In Delavigne plants and factories"
  • "We make our own glass right here in the factory."
  • "You remember the new factory we wanted to build in Spain?"

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Mais testemunhos.