Tradução & Definição

an extract: um extrato noun
vanilla extract extrato de baunilha
to extract: extrair, tirar verb


  • "There is, however, one snag: the deodorant's unique chemical formula is produced by mixing extracts from several endangered species including pandas, polar bears and dolphins."
  • "It took him nearly twenty-five minutes to find a small flask of jasmine oil on the alphabetically arranged shelf of botanical extracts."
  • "Austrian Edelweiss Extract"
  • "Icarus : Mr. Oléré, in your latest shipment you've got oils from Tasmania, Edelweiss extract imported from Austria, and 700 thoraxes from the African honey bee!"
  • "Organization of space (for example, in your case, it may bode ill if your bottles of poison are kept on the same shelf as the herbal extracts)."

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