Tradução & Definição

to express (an opinion): expressar, dar, emitir, manifestar, externar (uma opinião) verb
Express yourself, so you can respect yourself. Expresse-se sempre, e você se respeitará (frase de uma música da Madona).
express service: serviço expresso, serviço rápido idiom


  • "Hogwash has expressed an interest in the project, though we will of course have to agree to terms. This is where you come in!"
  • "In spite of my blinding rage and abiding contempt for you, my yoga guru has advised me that expressing myself to you via a letter may prove therapeutic, which is why I am penning the present missive from my retreat, high atop the Himalayan peaks."
  • "In spite of my blinding rage, my lifestyle guru has advised me that expressing myself to you via a letter may prove therapeutic, which is why I am penning the present missive from my retreat, high atop the Himalayan peaks."
  • "I would like to formally express my interest in this position, for which I feel I am well qualified."
  • "Get ready to express what's on your mind!"
  • "Well I think the goal was to express the problem in matrix form, so we're really maximizing C to the power of T times X, which is subject to AX smaller than or equal to B, with X being greater than or equal to zero."
  • "It's called "Song to express disappointment about the hotel room I booked in Paris"."
  • "Some of Mr. Delavigne's employees expressed interest in testing our online training solution for learning French via email."
  • "I'd just like to express my gratitude for the recognition you've shown me."

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O que dizem nossos usuários:



Gosto de fazer os meus lições de francês online. Cerca de dez minutos por dia é suficiente... Obrigado!



Adoro o método inovador de aprender uma língua enquanto me divirto!



O seu método é único! Os seus cursos me ajudaram a progredir e a ganhar confiança durante as minhas viagens ao exterior...



Gymglish me permitiu melhorar minha expressão oral e escrita em francês. Uma rotina diária que eu não perderia por nada no mundo!

Mais testemunhos.