Tradução & Definição

to exploit (someone, natural resources): explorar (alguém, um recurso natural) verb
His supervisors had exploited him for years because of his generosity and his ability to work long hours. Ele foi explorado pelos seus supervisores durante anos por causa da sua generosidade e capacidade de trabalhar por longas horas.
We must exploit the resources available to us if we are to survive on this island. Devemos explorar os recursos disponíveis, se quisermos sobreviver nesta ilha.
That's exploitation!: Isso é uma exploração! idiom

UK: His supervisors had exploited him for years because of his generosity and his ability to work long hours.
US: We must exploit the resources available to us.


  • "Bruno : Edward, we want to exploit, I mean, use your musical talent."
  • "We had been debating the pros and cons of exploiting inexpensive but possibly illegal labor, versus taking the "high road" and using only suppliers with a proven record on human rights working standards."
  • "The question is whether we will continue to exploit cheap and potentially illegal labor, or whether we should explore more expensive, but more ethical alternatives."
  • "An outspoken conservative businessman, speaking on condition of anonymity, went so far as to say that the new line is another ploy by liberals to exploit easily-influenced consumers."
  • "You can be sure the media is going to exploit this incident to the best of its abilities, and we've got our respective businesses to think of here."
  • "Susie : If you consider the dangers of questionable labor practices strictly from a financial perspective, you'll find that continuing to exploit cheap labor sources is extremely risky."
  • "Bruno : Susie, you'll have to postpone your plans for the anti-exploitation ad campaign."
  • "I'm calling in regards to the memo you sent me about Susie's new marketing proposal, the one about the anti-exploitation ad campaign."
  • "Susie, Philip recently sent me an email addressing his concerns on our new idea for an anti-exploitation ad campaign."
  • "Outsourcing: Cost-Efficient Advantage or Unethical Tool of Exploitation?"

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