Tradução & Definição

an entrepreneur: um empresário, um empreendedor noun

UK: Entrepreneurs need to take risks.
US: The business was started by two entrepreneurs.


  • "Al Capone : I like that: Entrepreneur!"
  • "Don't miss out on your chance to network with some of America's most influential businesspeople and entrepreneurs."
  • "You could call yourself a "businessman", or "entrepreneur" for example..."
  • "Anyway, I am standing next to none other than entrepreneur Bruno Delavigne, who has just emerged from intense marathon negotiation sessions with the International Fruit Concern, Incorporated."
  • "You could call yourself a "businessman", or "entrepreneur" for example."
  • "So I say to all the entrepreneurs gathered here tonight, go out there and network with as many people as you can."
  • "The Movers and Shakers Foundation cordially invites you to the 12th annual Entrepreneur Business Network Event: 17 May, 7:00PM - 11:00PM, The Bohemian Club, San Francisco."
  • "The world awaits the launch of Mile High Airways, the brainchild of UK entrepreneur Sir Rufus Ruthless."
  • "I'm going to talk to you today in my role as an "entrepreneur" about the importance of networking, and a theory called the "six degrees of separation" which could help you be as successful and rich as me."
  • "Entrepreneur! You hear that Rocco?"

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