Tradução & Definição

the earth: a terra noun
I hope that aliens will visit Earth one day. Espero que um dia os alienígenas visitem a Terra.
To grow sweet carrots you need earth and sand. Para cultivar cenouras doces, você precisa de terra e areia.


  • "I need you to file an emergency 567b... return to Earth, effective immediately."
  • "Todd : Everythingisperfectia is very different than Earth."
  • "Enjoy your second chance on Earth!"
  • "Brian : So, Todd, you've come all the way from the planet Everythingisperfectia to find the funniest joke on Earth?"
  • "I have come to Earth to..."
  • "But I can't send anyone back to Earth without a mission."
  • "Bernie : Return to Earth?"
  • "Todd : Actually Brian, I have come to Earth for a very special reason."
  • "Right now, I am standing outside the hottest party in Hollywood, home of the most important people on Earth: celebrities."
  • "Are you here to destroy the Earth and make slaves of the Earthlings?"

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