Tradução & Definição

to doubt: duvidar, não acreditar, hesitar verb
I doubt she will make it tonight. Eu duvido que ela venha hoje à noite.
a doubt: uma dúvida, uma incerteza noun
I have some doubts about this solution. Tenho algumas dúvidas sobre esta solução.

UK: I doubt she will make it tonight.
US: I have some doubts about this solution.


  • "I don't doubt your talent, Mr. Hogwash, but perhaps the unique requirements of this project scare you?"
  • "Gertrude Warner : Oh, I doubt that."
  • "Philip : Yeah, I seriously doubt that."
  • "Philip : I doubt it, Edward, unless you know how to transport 30,000 units of perfume from Southampton, England, to Brazil in less than three weeks?"
  • "Philip : Oh, I doubt that."
  • "I sincerely doubt you could afford me."
  • "Without any written correspondence, I doubt your case will hold up in a court of law."
  • "I doubt that my brother will be attending this year, but there's always a small chance that he'll show up."
  • "And, if you do manage to get an interview, which I very much doubt, I suggest you practise your manner."

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